In the year 2020, we had the vision to expand to other countries. We had started with Ghana in January and hoped to extend our charity work to Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa.
Unfortunately due to Covid-19, our plans have been rescheduled for 2021-2022. Despite the altered plans, our goal of helping underprivileged talented teenagers did not change. We have secured scholarships for a number of teenagers, and we continue to offer financial support through the transition process from their country to starting a new life in the USA.
We are auctioning a PS5 Bundle (PS5 Disc Console, 2 Controllers and Spider-Man game) valued at $750. For a chance to win the PS5 Bundle, you must purchase a minimum of 1 ticket. Each raffle ticket is $20 and participants are not limited to how much they can purchase. All purchased ticket will be in a raffle ticket drum and winning ticket will be selected on Instagram live on the 28th of March 2021. In appreciation, every participant will receive a G6:9 signature T-Shirt (valued at $30).
** The live draw will ONLY occur if a minimum of 100 raffle tickets are sold, in an event less than 100 tickets is sold, each raffle buyer/participant will be refunded the full price they paid unless they decide to mark it as a donation**
Do not get weary in doing good, for in due season, you will reap your reward if you do not give up.